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鄂尔多斯市生态资产和生态系统生产总值评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
董天  张路  肖燚  郑华  黄斌斌  欧阳志云 《生态学报》2019,39(9):3062-3074
鄂尔多斯市属于生态环境脆弱区域,在大规模开发丰富能源资源的同时,生态环境保护也在不断加强,评估鄂尔多斯生态资产价值,是认识鄂尔多斯生态价值的关键。构建了生态资产、生态系统生产总值评估的理论框架和评估方法指标体系,基于鄂尔多斯市生态系统格局、质量数据,评估了鄂尔多斯市生态资产、生态系统生产总值。评估结果表明:(1)2015年,鄂尔多斯市生态系统质量等级以差、低、中为主,分别占比:50.74%、31.78%、6.17%,差、低、中等级的生态系统面积之和占比88.69%。(2)2015年,鄂尔多斯市生态资产指数为1998.19,其中生态资产指数最高的是鄂托克旗,生态资产指数为392.26,占比19.63%,其次是杭锦旗,生态资产指数为307.48,占比15.39%。2010—2015年,鄂尔多斯市生态资产指数总体呈上升趋势。其中,上升最为剧烈的区域是鄂托克前旗,生态资产指数上升92.72,占比19.38%,其次为乌审旗,生态资产指数上升91.04,占比19.03%。(3)2015年,鄂尔多斯市生态系统生产总值(GEP)为2481.71亿元,GEP约为2015年GDP总值的58.72%,鄂尔多斯市单位面积GEP为0.03亿元/km~2,人均GEP为12.14万元/人。2010—2015年,鄂尔多斯市生态系统生产总值从1975.50亿元增加至2481.71亿元,增加量占2010年GEP价值的比例为25.62%,上升趋势明显。(4)2010—2015年,鄂尔多斯市生态系统质量变化原因主要是GDP增长(P0.05),表明经济持续发展降低了当地人口对草地、森林的经济的依赖性。鄂尔多斯市生态资产指数上升的主要驱动因素气候因素降水的增加(P0.001)、人口密度的下降(P0.01),以及GDP的增加(P0.01)。鄂尔多斯间生态系统生产总值变化的主要驱动因素,包括城市扩张、农田开垦、退耕还林、草、湿、生态恢复、矿山开采、生态退化等。本研究根据鄂尔多斯市生态系统质量、生态资产、生态系统生产总值面临的问题,提出了生态保护建议与对策。  相似文献   
拜泉生态农业建设的生态资产响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卢兵友  徐玉新  王如松 《生态学报》2002,22(12):2260-2263
利用指标相对评价法,选择7个关键指标,对黑龙江省皋泉县生态农业建设情况的评价得出,该县生态资产从20世纪70年代末仅占系统自然生态资产总量的13.75%上升到目前的25.21%,说明生态农业建设对缓解生态资产的耗竭,提高其积累速度具有重要作用。  相似文献   
Although numerous studies have been conducted on the relationship between livelihood assets and strategies, only a few quantitative studies exist on the topic for anti-poverty policies with regard to the Tibetan Plateau. This study investigated 357 households in the upper reaches of the Dadu River watershed in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau, China, using the participatory rural appraisal method. Then, applying a multinomial logistic regression model, we quantitatively analyzed the relationship between livelihood assets and livelihood strategies, the findings of which have implications for local agricultural policy interventions. The preliminary results indicate that of the four classifications of livelihood strategies used in this study, the main livelihood strategy is that of the non-farming-dependent household type (i.e., Type III in our study) that combines agricultural and non-farm activities or practices self-employment for wages. There are significant differences in the livelihood assets owned by households with different livelihood strategies. Human, natural, and financial assets have significant influences on livelihood strategies, and the choice of livelihood strategy varies by livelihood assets. Further, with improvements in household labor capacity and cash income per capita, the livelihood strategies of non-agricultural and non-farming households may shift away from agriculture, while an increase in farmland cultivated per capita, cash income per capita, and household labor capacity may encourage households to adopt agriculture-dependent livelihood strategies. These findings contribute to research on livelihood and related development strategies and anti-poverty policies in not only the Eastern Tibetan Plateau but also other regions with similar livelihood strategies.  相似文献   
We analyse survey data from the National Asset Scorecard for Communities of Color Project for asset accumulation in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The survey oversampled the American Indian/Alaska Native population in order to examine asset accumulation among a variety of racial, ethnic and legal status groups. We examine differences in asset accumulation across tribal members from a variety of American Indian tribes. Additionally, we make comparisons across those that are tribally enrolled to those that are not tribally enrolled. We find substantial difference across tribal affiliation in our data once we disaggregate the category of American Indian. Our research adds a new dimension to the literature examining differences in wealth accumulation by race and political status for a little-studied group. Specifically, we examine the intersection of race and legal status in wealth and asset accumulation.  相似文献   
Background Stratospheric ozone depletion is one of the important environmental issues for LCIA. The National LCA Project of Japan has developed a framework of LCIA since 1998, which tackles the issue employing an endpoint approach. Although the basic components were available in 2000, it was required that the target endpoints should be expanded in particular. Objective This study aimed at expanding the scope of damage function of ozone depletion in the LCIA framework of LIME. Damage function gives potential and quantitative damage for each endpoint per unit emission of ODS. Methods Marginal damage due to the unit emission of ODS was calculated for 13 substances for which quantitative information was available as follows: (1) the increase of UVB radiation at the earth's surface per unit emission of ODS was estimated, (2) the increase of potential damage per unit increase of UVB radiation was estimated, (3) the increase of potential damage per unit emission of ODS was determined by connecting the two relationships, and (4) correcting by the atmospheric lifetime of ODS, so that the damage function was then obtained. For other ODSs regulated by the Montreal Protocol, their damage functions were estimated by multiplying the ratio of ODP compared to the corresponding reference substance by the damage function of this reference substance. Results and Discussion The damage function of ozone depletion included the following endpoints: skin cancer and cataract for human health, crop production and timber production for social assets, and terrestrial NPP and aquatic NPP for primary productivity. And damage factors for each safeguard subject were also obtained. Conclusion The damage function of ozone depletion could cover all ODSs regulated by the Montreal Protocol and also cover important endpoints. Uncertainty of damage function is also an important point to be elucidated. Preliminary studies of uncertainty analysis have begun for the damage function of ozone depletion. However, further analysis is required to comprehensively evaluate the uncertainty of the damage function. - Abbreviations: BCC-Basal Cell Carcinoma; CFC-Chlorofluorocarbon; DALY-Disability Adjusted Life Years; DF-Damage Factor; DI-Damage Indicator; EESC-Equivalent Effective Stratospheric Chlorine; HBFC-Hydrobromofluorocarbon; HCFC-Hydrochlorofluorocarbon; LCA-Life Cycle Assessment; LCIA-Life Cycle Impact Assessment; LIME-Life-cycle Impact assessment Method based on Endpoint modeling; MM-malignant melanoma; NPP-Net Primary Production; ODP-Ozone Depletion Potential; ODS-Ozone Depleting Substance; SCC-Squamous Cell Carcinoma; TCL-Tropospheric Chlorine Loading; UVB-Ultraviolet B; YLD-Years of Life Disabled; YLL-Years of Life Lost.  相似文献   
解读了新医院会计制度关于固定资产计提折旧的相关规定,从成本费用归集方面和会计信息完整性角度分析了新制度关于固定资产计提折旧会计核算规定的不足,并在借鉴企业会计准则的相关做法的基础上,结合医院的实际,提出了改进的建议。  相似文献   
李晓晖  萧敬豪  王建军  吴婕  龙闹 《生态学报》2022,42(3):1192-1202
生态修复是国土空间治理的重要内容。做好生态受损、功能退化地区的辨识并因地施策,是科学编制国土空间规划、实施生态修复重大工程的优先任务。基于自然资源资产评估方法,探索提出一种面向生态保护与修复规划的应用路径。在自然资源资产理念与方法评估辨析基础上,以广州为例,构建在地化的自然资源实物核算、生态系统服务功能价值评估框架,开展生态修复空间辨识,提出空间规划应对策略。主要研究结论:(1)2009年广州市自然资源资产总值约8334亿元,2019年为12025亿元;(2)自然资源资产价值总体呈上升趋势;剔除价格上涨因素后,调节与支持服务价值有所下降,生态保护与修复工作仍待强化;(3)提出自然资源资产评估在国土空间规划生态重要性地区识别、生态空间主导功能分区、生态治理重点研判等规划应用。最后,就如何提高自然资源资产评估的合理性与准确性,自然资源资产评估方法在不同层次国土空间生态修复规划中的适应性,如何基于自然资产评估推动生态修复规划实施等方面进行了讨论。  相似文献   
粤港澳大湾区湿地遥感监测与评估:现状、挑战及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴志峰  曹峥  宋松  蒋卫国  郭冠华  吴艳艳 《生态学报》2020,40(23):8440-8450
粤港澳大湾区水热丰沛河网密布,岸线曲折峡湾众多,复杂的自然条件孕育了丰富的湿地资源,构成了区域生态安全屏障的重要防线。近几十年来气候变化与区域高强度人类活动的双重胁迫下,大湾区湿地资源面积衰减、质量退化趋势明显,亟需开展湿地资源监测与评估研究,为国家战略提供基础保障。现阶段湿地遥感已实现由最初的湿地面积、形态提取向湿地生物物理参量提取的过程转变,然而粤港澳大湾区特有的气候特征,限制了传统光学影像在湿地遥感领域的应用,大大提升了此区域长时间序列湿地遥感数据获取的难度。此外,如何实现湿地生态价值与生态资产对接与评估,也是现阶段自然资源监测管理面临的重大课题之一。本文基于粤港澳大湾区建设的国家战略需求,讨论湿地资源在构建大湾区生态安全保障体系中的重要地位,厘清大湾区湿地资源保护与利用存在的关键技术瓶颈与核心科学问题,围绕湿地遥感监测、湿地资源生态资产价值评估、湿地生态功能分区与定位等关键问题,指出开展粤港澳大湾区湿地遥感监测与评估面临的挑战,明确构建"天-空-地"湿地遥感监测的综合技术体系实施方案,并展望粤港澳大湾区湿地常态化监测与资产评估的几个重要方向:1构建适用于不同自然环境特征的湿地分类体系;2融合升级现有湿地监测与评估技术手段,发挥"天-空-地"一体化监测平台的技术优势;3全区域监测与重点调查相结合;4从调查监测迈向资源动态监控与演变机制分析;5面向陆海统筹的湿地区划与综合管治;6多学科、跨区域、跨行业协作。  相似文献   
Swidden Transformations and Rural Livelihoods in Southeast Asia   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
This paper explores the major interactions between the transformation of swidden farming and the pursuit of rural livelihoods in the uplands of Southeast Asia. The paper draws on selected literature, workshop reflections, and six case studies to describe the causal processes and livelihood consequences of swidden change. Household-level livelihood responses have included both the intensification and ‘dis-intensification’ of swidden land-use, the insertion of cash crops, the redeployment of household labour, and the taking on of broader (often non-rural) livelihood aspirations and strategies. At the community level there have been emerging institutional arrangements for management of land and forests, and varying degrees of participation in or resistance to government schemes and programs. Swidden change has led to the loss and also the reassertion, realignment, and redefinition of cultures and identities, with important implications for access to resources. The impacts of these changes have been varied. Cash crops have often improved livelihoods but complete specialisation for the market increases vulnerability. Thus swidden can still provide an important safety net in the face of market fluctuations. Improved access to markets and social provision of education and health care have mostly improved the welfare of previously isolated groups. However, growing differences within and between communities in the course of swidden transformations can leave some groups marginalized and worse off. These processes of differentiation can be accentuated by heavy-handed state interventions based on swidden stereotypes. Nevertheless, communities have not passively accepted these pressures and have mobilized to protect their livelihood assets and strategies. Thus swidden farmers are not resisting appropriate and supportive forms of development. They are adopting new practices and engaging with markets, but in many situations swidden is still important to their livelihood strategies, providing resilience in the face of turbulent change. Active involvement of local people is essential in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating development and conservation programs in swidden lands. Positive market incentives and supportive government policies are better than standardised, top-down directives.
R. A. CrambEmail:
北京城市生态系统总体资产动态及其与城市发展关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市生态系统中总体资产组成、结构及其价值动态是城市生态经济研究的重要论题,综合探讨城市总体资产与城市发展之间的相互作用格局将有助于逐步揭示城市发展的生态经济运行机制.剖析了总体资产定义及其价值含义,分析总体资产构成与结构;以北京城市生态系统为例,采用能值方法分析北京城市总体资产年际变化动态,进一步探讨了城市发展与总体资产的相互关系.结果表明,北京城市总体资产动态呈现几方面的特点:(1)总体资产规模大,其规模与密度随城市发展而逐年增长;(2)资产组成多样,价值形态复杂,人造与人类资产已成为总体资产价值的主体(人造资产比重已超过总量的60%,生态资产比重小,已低于总量的10%),并随城市发展而增长;(3)资产流通量大,对外部依赖性强,其净流通系数随城市发展而逐年增长;(4)总体资产构成随着城市发展呈现明显的极化趋势,棕化不断加剧,绿化逐年降低;(5)生态资产规模呈不稳定波动状态,尽管更新率总体稍有上升,但自给率、净流通率仍然在下降,净损失率也呈现不稳定变化,其资产规模总体趋势于下降,并由积累态转变为耗散态,已成为总体资产价值构成中的脆弱或敏感要素;(6)自然资产的产出系数与收入系数均随城市发展而逐年增长.  相似文献   
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